Friday, February 29, 2008


I really like the idea of Preschools, they offer a child a chance to adapt to education outside the home and the transition, it also helps the parents adjust to having other people care for and teach their children. Preschool gives children a chance to interact with other kids their age which helps their social development greatly.

I personally did not attend preschool because my mom was a stay at home mom at the time, my brother however did and growing up he always was a lot more comfortable then me with meeting new people and could deal with change a lot better then I could. I think a lot of this is because of early exposure to good change and interactions with other people then just the family.

I have worked in numerous preschools and day cares over the last 10 years. My favorite and to me the most beneficial to the children attending was the Preschool/daycare program offered to young moms on our High school campus. There were a lot of different types of children at this school and it was amazing how much interaction goes on between kids this young. The teachers at this school focused on teaching all the kids sign language with every action they did with the children. I really think this is such an important thing to educate children 5 and under on, it not only helps young babies communicate their wants and feelings but as they get old they can understand and interact with younger children and with hearing impaired children which in turn helps these children with their social development.

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