Friday, March 14, 2008

Best and Worst Teachers!

The best teacher I would have to say was my kindergarten and first grade teacher, she was so kind and nurturing when we first came to school it wasn't scary becuase she felt like family. My personal reason for her being my favorite is because all through my schooling she was there for me, always guiding me and helping me make the right choices. She was and still is a constant in mine and my families life.

I would have to say my worst teacher was my grade 8/9 math science teacher, he wasn't sensitive to anyone's feelings and didnt seem to want to help me when I was struggling with the course. He tended to be semi sexist, he seemed to favor the boys a lot more then the girls. He also would do some not so appropriate things to the girls like watch when the bent over and what not which eventually he was fired for. He just didnt do a good job making me comfortable to ask him questions when I needed to.

My memories of school in general are actually mostly negative when it came to academics becuase once I was in junior high school I really struggled with most classes, I basically felt stupid cause I didnt understand a lot but I think a lot of it was I didnt apply myself completely to my studies. Most of my positive memories of school are things like my P.E recreation course where every week we had a field trip based on the sport we were learning. Also all my art courses and seeing what different minds come up with when giving a blank slate and little direction, I love art and I think that's why I remember so much of it.